Friday 13 November 2009

Guard Your Heart

If you ever find yourself feeling down, miserable and depressed simply at a thought that comes to mind then this message is for YOU!!

The Bible says 'we have been given the mind of Christ' and that 'God has not given us a mind of fear, but of power and love and of a sound mind.' Therefore I ask you, where do negative thoughts come from? Where does depression come from? Where does hatred, low self esteem and violent thoughts come from? Not from God, I can assure you of that! So if God made us, and intended us to have a mind of Christ, could it be that through sin we have adopted the mind of something or someone else?

Thoughts are also dangerous, not only do they cause emotional and spiritual harm, they can also lead to physical harm. Consider this, you want chocolate. Your really, really want chocolate. How long before you go out of your way to get that chocolate you've been craving. You see, a thought conceived, soon becomes an action. If we think negatively, ultimately we will begin to act negatively. Our thoughts become our actions!! Is it no wonder that the Bible says:
'For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.' Proverbs 23:7

The Bible is clear in that it talks about thoughts in a way that makes it obvious we can change our thoughts and the hold they have over our life....but not without Jesus. First to have a mind of Christ, you first have to accept Christ.

Read on.......

(Adapted and edited from New Wine Church Chronicle)

Don’t allow all information that comes your way to go through your heart. Sieve and filter what you hear and see!

“Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it springs the issues of life.”
Proverbs 4:23

Guard your heart against:
1. Negative words – that come from people around you
2. Negative information – from the media. Wisely pick and chose the kind of TV programmes you watch and the publications you read.
3. Negative thoughts – pessimistic thoughts are not from God.

It is necessary that you protect your mind against negative thoughts and words. Set a Centurion, Aide-de-Camp or security guard over your heart. Don’t allow people’s negative comments to determine your future.

We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.
2 Corinthians 10:5

Your countenance and spirit are affected by your state of mind. If you are merry or sorrowful your countenance and spirit will react accordingly.

A merry heart makes a cheerful countenance, but by sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken.
Proverbs 15:13

I love the way Joyce Meyer put it "Think about what you're thinking about." Friends, your mind is too vulnerable, too exposed to be left wondering around on it's own.

Reject any thoughts that are not hopeful or optimistic. You cannot fight thoughts with thoughts but declare and say the word of God.

“For I know the thoughts that I think towards you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.”
Jeremiah 29:11

“Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, noble, just, pure, lovely of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy meditate on these things”
Philippians 4:8

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My Book Reviews

God's Word for the Unmarried Believer God's Word for the Unmarried Believer by Walk Worthy Press

My review

rating: 3 of 5 stars
Not really a reading book as such - more of a pocket reference book, as such I have decided to put it on my read shelf.
it's a simple reference book that you can slip into your handback, pocket or wherever is most convenient and bringit out when you need a reminder of the world in 'real-time'. As the title suggests, 'God's Word for the Single Believer' is a collection of Bible verses, arranged under common themes, selected to encourage and strengthen the single christian during what may be particular trying times in their walk with Jesus.
A handy and strengthening resource.

View all my reviews.

The Power of a Praying Woman The Power of a Praying Woman by Stormie Omartian

My review

rating: 4 of 5 stars
Just like 'God's Word for the Single Believer' I don't really regard this as a book that i've 'read' but will perhaps continue to refer back to for the rest of my days. It was about at page 60/61 that I realised that the best way to read this book was not to read each chapter sequentially - instead this book requires life application, prayer and a heart that sincerely seeks change and spiritual growth through a closer walk with Jesus. To get the best out of this book (for me anyway), is to spend time in the relevant chapter at the point of need or spiritual prompting - pen and paper at the ready too! You see, there are so many areas of ones life that are covered in this book, and the neat little index is like a spiritual A-Z of areas where we all need spiritual refreshing, pruning or an outright overhaul! If you are already in a walk with God, you will hopefully be aware of areas in your life that God wants you to focus on, and commit to him in sincere prayer - as such, this book is a really good study aid and reference point. Apart from covering a broad range of development areas for your prayer life, it also contains some model prayers that you can work into your own prayer life as you diligently seek change and refreshing through the work of the Holy Spirit - and for added measure, each section also contains a reminder of some of God's promises relating to the topic in focus. An excellent book and guide, one which will not sit on my shelf and gather dust!

View all my reviews.